A Modern Scripture
So the other day was Mother’s day and my boy goes and scripts this meme game for me as a pressy. He brings it out to me on his tablet to show me what he has done. We are in the back garden, the mancave is blaring music from the stereo for us to enjoy in the garden. So I look at my son’s tablet to see his gifted game. I see a carton cat floating in the air in a basket. He lands on a mountain and immediately starts climbing up it by hurling a hammer over his head to lever himself, basket and all over the mountain. The game name then flashes it’s title “Get over it.” At this point Rage Against the Machine decide ensemble us in the garden by means of mancave. I peal in laughter at the wonder of synchronicity. The Universe’s conversation with Oneself. Those that have walked there know of this tale.
All my life I have been troubled. I am no different to anyone else out there. Here on Earth, living my life, having a spouse, a family, having friends, a job, I have had suffering, I have had good points in my life, I have made mistakes, looked at things with regret and the wisdom of hindsight. Find me a perfect person? I challenge you. One’s perfection is also another’s imperfection and vice versa, it is a matter of perspective in line with our frames of reference. We all make mistakes and all have to live with them, our own and others.
So during this time of lockdown, I have had a profoundly spiritual time. A time of self reflection and a realisation. It literally hit me that I have felt like I am screaming inside, as if unable to find my voice, hiding from myself on the inside unable to speak. There is so much I would like to say on my observations of reality. I think of the balance of being, how the outer external world from a Buddhist perspective is a reflection of the inner self world. I wonder what this means from a collective perspective for the human race. We are not doing very well collectively are we. What is going on guys come on??? We all seriously need to get our shit together. And I am pointed my finger at no one in particular but collectively ALL OF US. I mean human race WTF!!! What are we doing? I know some folk may be saying have you read your first paragraph, my retort is get back to me when Spirituality has bit you on the ass then reanalyse.
No fluffydom here, I am not just having an episode post covid. No I am not having some psychotic based issue. No I am not just having some conspiratorial episode although there is nothing like a good conspiracy and a bit of gossip mongery, the human race thrives on it, one way or another. Evidence. Look in the mirror, look at the world around you. Take a good hard honest look. Can you honestly say that individually and collectively, human’s have done less harm as a race than good to itself, the Earth - our one and only planet and it’s fellow inhabitants, within the balance and natural order and cycle of life on the planet, we all live, breath and share together. Big sentence I know, fucking big issue though!!!
Look at what is happening around the world. I am not just on about covid, I am on about the environmental disaster, wars, the terrorism, the false flags, the threats, the starvation, the multi corporations, the pharmaceuticals, the oil businesses, the change in politics. The dodgy governments world wide and some questionable politics to say the least, biased media, top heavy global elite and unfair distribution of wealth, surveillance, censorship, privacy issues. Check the news, check trust worthy sources, see what is happening in the world around you. This madness needs to stop because that is exactly what it is. There is no way by the definition of civilization that the human race fits the criteria. The word civilization indicates, refinement, a sense of order and fairness, tolerance and an indication of respect. This is not how I see the human race representing the world civilization, in its various atrocities it inflicts on itself, one another, self, other species the world. The stream of negativity is overwhelming. Such an immense infliction of pain and harm. Buddha was so spot on when he spoke of human’s walking in suffering. The footprints they leave in the Earth scar her to her core.
This has to STOP and it has to stop now.
So where to start and what to write. So, these are strange times we live in. At the time of writing, I am in lockdown as is approximately half of the world’s population, due to COVID-19 from Corona virus. If you don’t know what that is or have been sleeping under a rock, it is a pandemic that is spreading the globe. The first mutterings I heard about this I ignored and shrugged off. Why would someone do that? Well every year there has been a pandemic of some kind, Swine flu, bird flu, SARS etc. That many that I have lost count of names and most of them have been some form of scare mongery. Now don’t get me wrong, I know folks have got really unwell and died as a result of these illnesses and I am genuinely sorry for those folks. The issue I have is that each time it seems to of been a drive to scare the population and the end result is a lot of hype over nothing. Again not dismissing the folks that have died, people die, unfortunately that is one guarantee in life as well as taxes, unless you are some crafty rich person who knows all the tax loops etc. The way it has been reported you’d think every year the world was about to lose most of its population. So this pandemic was viewed by many including myself as another pandemic of bullshit to begin with, it’s the whole Peter and the Wolf thing, year after year being threatened with pending death from some horrible illness and it not manifesting, then boom!!!
So what is COVID, well it comes from Corona virus, you know the one that gives you a common cold. It’s presentation is a fever, cough, phlegm and sore throat with achy muscles. Sounds like a dose of the flu right. Apparently 50% of the population do not even exhibit any symptoms. Some would joke that would be the women and the men are having man flu, if only. However, it seems to target the elderly, the immunocompromised and those with co-morbidities, or other illnesses. The majority of people fall into these categories. In Italy there are large amount of people have died, it was found that 99% of them had comorbidities, sometimes 3-4 other illnesses, these were found to be hypertension (High BP), diabetes and heart problems. Only 0.8% (3 people) in the sample analysed that died had no other problems. One of the things COVID does is it causes a huge build up of mucous in the lungs and lead to the person literally drowning. Nice. This is caused by what is known as a cytokine storm, which is basically when your body’s immune system is on full throttle attempting to kill the invading bacteria, producing a whole host of white blood cells to combat this. However, the body becomes overwhelmed. There have also been reports that it apparently affects the haemoglobin, removing iron from the red blood cells. However some have dismissed these reports, although I have seen several theme and variations on this from different sources. The fact is that they are still learning about this illness. It seems unless you are old, immunocompromised or have pre-existing conditions particularly those noted above you will probably be ok. But hey what makes it ok that these folk die. Some think well they have had a long life, so never mind. Nice. Then you have the immunocompromised, what makes it ok that they die. I have read reports of parents being asked by hospitals if it is ok if they do not resuscitate their child treated for whatever severe illness if they get COVID. How on earth can they ask them this? What makes this ok? What makes one persons life more important than another?
What is going to make things worse, well let us not forget stress. How can anyone not be stressed at the moment. I would say the majority of folk are stressed one way or another, particularly health care staff having to deal with the seriously unwell and dying.
Stress causes the body to switch into fright, fight or flight mode or the sympathetic nervous system. Now stress is a good thing in the right time and place, it is a survival mechanism, unfortunately many folk are stressed all the time. I am sure many can relate to this, get up in the morning, get the kids ready for school, dash out the house knocking back a cup of coffee, get to work where work can be full on, come home make tea, get everyone ready for bed. Have a glass of wine or beer to help you relax and sleep in the evening. Generally run around like a headless chicken to ensure you have enough cash to pay for the bills so you can keep on doing this mad cycle of life. Sound familiar. Stress and the fright fight flight mode is meant to be a short term response not a long term companions. It has historical origins, keeping us safe when we were hunter gathers and a predator jumped out at us. Our senses i.e. eyes ears perceived the threat, the brain interpreted it as a threat and then sent a hormonal cascade to increase out heart rate, breathing and muscle function, basically so we could either fight the predator or leg it!. Once you are free of the situation the stress diminishes and things return to normal. However, stress has the wonderful effect of prioritizing our nervous system, our muscular skeletal systems and cardiopulmonary systems. As a result it deprioritizes the digestive, reproductive and immune system, which is fine short term but certainly not long term. Have you ever noticed how your appetite changes when you feel stressed. Imagine you have just bore witness to a trauma, would you feel like having a snack? With long term stress, this impacts on a lack of nutrient intake this further impacts the stress response as you become nutrient deficient, which then impedes your body functioning. A lack of appropriate food also alters the microbiome, which is the microbial coating of the digestive system responsible for the digestion of food, production of certain vitamins and the function of the immune system. So it is really important that people learn to modulate their stress in order to digest their food properly and have a good immune system and a well functioning body. People need to be taught effect lifestyle and nutritional methods of moving into the parasympathetic nervous system, that which aids digestion and the immune system.
Back to COVID has its origins in Wuhan China, mainstream media reports it came from a wet market where someone got it from eating a bat. Ok.
Now Media is not known for its honesty, especially when you see how few people own the media corporations and their links to various corporations. I remember my bubble about media being shattered when watching the film Good Morning Vietnam, the story of the war time reporter Adrian Crowner reporting on the Vietnam war and then getting in trouble for reporting the truth and not what he had been told to report. I thought it was a work of fiction however read up on the background of this and found out not so. It helped to open my eyes to all is not as it seems. Current media is just as dishonest with a string of biased perspective, all altering the slant of what is reported, an example could be Google news, now also owning a pharmaceutical company, as a result anything that is natural health therapies is lowered in the list in their search engine therefore lowering their competition. Or the social media Facebook, also teamed up with pharmaceuticals, until recently one of their committee members was also CEO of the Gates foundation who are well renown for their love of pharmaceuticals, GMOs and vaccines. Facebook is removing natural health reports, even those that are reported in medical journals or as clear evidence based practice. There is countless evidence for this. Media is known for misreporting of news, failure to report significant things or manipulating and misrepresenting things. Good examples are when politicians go to elections, media are well known for their support of political parties, left or right wing newspapers etc. - there is heaps of questionable reports in many countries resulting in political scandal. Media’s role has been questioned whether it is there to make us all distracted and miss what is really going on in the world, but that is a report in itself. I am not saying all news is like this but some things certainly are not reported ok.
At present there are contentious issues about what the media reported from China is honest or what their counterpartying media in the Western world reports being honest or biased in themselves. For example, I have recently viewed investigative footage that has spoken to experts in the area of COVID who report there was clear evidence it came from a weapons grade facility in China and that this virus was either accidently or intentionally released. The reports we have heard from China seem to indicate what happened over there was horrendous and if this is the case then it really is a tragic event. The trouble with media, whether it be TV, online or social media is it is a report from someone else, third hand information, unless you have been there and bore witness to it, you are taking the information being shared to you in good faith. If you chat to a trusted friend in another country and they confirm they know a number of people who have died, who are going to trust more, the trusted friend or a media company who may have a different agenda, remember news sells and means profit. Again please do not think I am dismissing any of the people who have become ill or died whilst writing this, not at all, I am just attempting to look and dissect the bigger picture. I shared some posts of facebook recently only to have them removed by facebook all as false news. One article was written in the Daily Telegraph – a UK paper which is a recommended read for any university student. The other article was a piece of research written about COVID this year in the Lancet – a respected medical journal. The final thing was a home footage of local hospitals to compare the film makers perspective compared to what the media had reported. So this also lead me to question why is facebook removing such articles. Seemed very strange to me, especially when they were from reputable sources, I know the home video would not be a reputable source, that was someone comparing their experience and what was being reported about the same place in the media and at no time did they deny the existence of COVID. So people’s opinions if not agreed with are obviously are not allowed to be expressed. At present I have been inundated with countless video clips on reports about the truth of COVID, again many would be considered conspiratorial, I dare say there are aspects of truth in all of them, especially those where folks have taken the time to do research. But again I have to highlight that not all information found on the subject is necessarily true, false reports can intentionally be placed again to manipulate people and we are back to that third hand reporting. I do not think any of us common folk are privy to what is really going on, we can only work with what we know. The outright censorship is concerning, why are people not allowed to question or express a different opinion? In some countries fines are now being imposed for those that talk outside the mainstream, labelling this conspiratorial, this also includes reports by respected people in respected publications. Concerning one is not allowed to question. Think about the art of debate or for that manner a conversation. If you disagree with someone the mature response is to continue the conversation, you don’t shut them up, dismiss them and remove them from the room for having an opposing opinion. You come to some form of understanding or even compromise, robust conversation and open honest debate it a healthy mature way to do this and the basis of democracy. When one person or organization controls the content of conversation, who, what, where, when and how we communicate with each other, this is dictatorial. It is concerning enough if it is a media organization that is doing this but more so if it has a wider area of impact.
Another aspect that is really bugging me about the whole COVID thing is it is like the only thing that is existing in the world at present mainstream media wise. It was not so long ago there were mass protest globally. Now you can be arrested for breaching lockdown, some country leaders have threatened violence and death to people that breach these orders. I find it highly coincidental or synchronistic that these protests have been quelled. The environmental movement is a prime example. Greta Thunberg had started a world movement of school kids striking every Friday to push for environmental changes globally. Now no can do. Protests happening in many countries over humanitarian rights, no can do. Wars are not being reported on, they have just been side-lined to report on another day, I wonder if refugees, war victims and soldiers have to socially isolate and go into lockdown or are they exempt from the spread of COVID. How about the starving folk in Yemen, are they socially isolating and in lockdown too? Let us not forget some of the other environmental disasters last year, Australia basically went up in flames, towns obliterated, many people killed, over 1 billion animals perished, no one is interested now. Similarly with parts of the Amazon. Who care we have COVID to deal with.
The news is just reporting COVID COVID COVID. The population is kept in this constant state of stress. Yes it is stressful having a pandemic, yes we do need to address things appropriately but how is the media’s response appropriate. Their continued panic riddled news further exacerbates peoples of stress, back to my earlier paragraph on the detrimental impacts of stress on the immune system. This is not the act of a responsible and ethical news reporting company. Yes report the facts, No don’t scare people in excess but factual but pragmatic. Now that may sound daft because I hear the cry “but there is a pandemic how can we not be stress?????” My answer where is the preventative reports? Where are the reports teaching people to make lifestyle changes to reduce their stress levels? i.e. teaching people breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, tai chi. Where are the reports stating that participating in such practices actually helps to move the body from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system? which Where are the reports on the importance of healthy nutrition in supporting human health as a whole and boosting the immune system – there is heaps of evidence based research here? Similarly for natural health therapies in supporting the body in adapting to stress? That is what any responsible news corporation would do, you’d think. Instead those folk who choose to share this information, including the evidence based practice supporting this are either labelled as quacks or it is dismissed completely. What is the agenda here???
Back to nutrition, I had a really interesting conversation in regards to the nutritional status of people. Back to basics, you literally are what you eat. Your body does this amazing thing of turning food into the tissues of your body (ALL of them!!!). Your body basically needs 4 main macronutrients from food these are carbohydrates (sugars i.e. fruits, vegetables), lipids (fats and oils i.e. coconut oil, butter, lard, tallow, olive oil), proteins (i.e. meats, nuts legumes) and water. Within these foods are also micronutrients, these are your vitamins minerals and the amino acids (these are what proteins are composed of). When you eat, your body digests the food and removes the useful parts to make itself whether these be tissues (skin, bone, muscle basically any tissue, hormones, chemicals, blood, digestive juices etc.- basically all of it). Your body is made from food. Right from 9months old and before. When you grow inside your Mom, the food she ate became you. Her nutritional status effected the way you grew as a child. Therefore you have to eat food with all these important macro and micronutrients to ensure your body is getting exactly what it needs to function. If you are eating the wrong kind of food your body will not work properly. It is a bit like your body is a petrol car and you go and put diesel in, the car is not going to work. If you put the wrong grade of petrol in, the car is not going to work as well. Exactly the same with the body. If you go around eating lots of poor quality food, non natural, highly processed, nutrient bereft, sugar loaded or food you are allergic or sensitive too your body is not going to work. Yet what we are taught about nutrition as a whole is a joke. Even medical staff have little to no training in this area. Again the question is why when food is literally the building blocks of our body? In fact in many reports medical staff can be seen to be the ones dismissing foods role in making the body healthy, this seems the craziest thing to do. There are foods that are highly inflammatory, what does this mean, so when you cut or graze your skin it becomes red, hot and inflamed. Now when you eat certain foods you are allergic or sensitive to, they do this to your digestive tract. Certain types of food do this anyway, the classic example if your grains, nuts, seeds and legumes if they are not soaked or sprouted. This is because they contain a protective shell around them which needs to be broken down by the body to be digested, the process of which can rob your body of nutrients. Now in years gone by folk used to soak and sprout food, as you may well imagine this takes time. However in modern times we are all too busy to do this, far easier just to quickly prepare a meal or buy take out food. So for example wheat based products, such as breads, pasta, baked goods, all high on the inflammation scale. Foods that are full of sugar, genetically modified, processed or take out food can also be highly inflammatory, These can cause havoc within the body. I think many folk understand living on junk food is bad for you. Being malnourished caused inflammation – many folk are these day, many people are eating food that does not contain the correct amount of nutrients, food is less nutrient dense due to modern agriculture, chemical use and its impact on soil health and the plants that grow in it. So all of these are essential factors. It is interesting to note that some of the places COVID has hit hard have diets rich in inflammatory foods i.e. USA and the amount of junk food eaten there, Italy and the amount of pasta and wheat based products. Now this is just one factor that may well be implicating the impact of COVID. You also have to look at habits such as smoking, drinking, drug use etc. All have an impact.
Now back to the treatment of COVID, the only form of treatment that has been advocated is really lockdown, as it minimizes transmission, therefore reduces the incidence of infection. Some countries have done this really well and really lowered the death rates. Others not so well and there have been horrendous death rates. Some countries have opted for just social distancing and not lockdown and they have reached significant death rates. There are reports from some that COVID is a hoax, nothing more than a bad dose of flu, again we can only go on the information we have been told, I certainly have spoken to people I know who are good information sources and have heard many have died including several from my extended family, so if everyone has just decided to die together, I think it is highly coincidental. Obviously people who are seriously unwell get treated in hospital. Now are contentious debates on the best line of treatment. Some folks have been ventilated, some say ventilation causes more harm that good. Some want to use a different form of treatment, interesting the hospitals that have been using IV vitamin C, their reports also have been removed from facebook, again contrary to there being success with this treatment and they being reported in valid medical journals. Surely using every tool in the box if this virus is so bad, that would make sense.
The main method to save us has been awaiting the amazing vaccine that is being produced. Apparently luckily for us they already had some in stock to start sampling on us. Very helpful they had medication in stock to save us all from a pandemic, it is really good news that they were able to predict the pandemic and exactly what medication we would all need to get better. I want to meet that soothsayer. Now forgive me for sounding sceptical but how do they know this vaccine / medication would even be effective. What long term safety trials have been done on it. I mean COVID didn’t even hit some countries until March 2020, In China it was October 2019. So how exactly have they made this wondrous medication and done long term safety testing to know we are not going to have any adverse reactions? And let us face it a vaccine is a medication like any other, all have adverse reactions. Apparently some African and Indian nations have refused to be the guinea pigs for testing these, apparently they have had bad experiences in recent years with vaccine testing over there so they have opted out. Many people are concerned that the vaccine is a method of being microchipped, certainly there have been a number of reports along these lines. Some have even suggested COVID stands for Certificate of Vaccination Identification – who knows??? There was a recent trial started on a subcutaneous injection being done as a vaccine with a different type of needle, that needed a slight electric shock post injection to activate the vaccine. Some folks believe this may be the activation of the microchip. Other people are not happy at the prospect of Bill Gates medicating them, this chappie is not popular. Apparently his personal Instagram page has not been a positive experience for him lately with many accusing him of all manner of things. Why would that be? The Gates foundation apparently donates large amounts of money philanthropically to a large number of organisations, notably pharmaceutical and WHO. The Gates foundation is now the largest donator to the WHO, interestingly Trump has sacked WHO during the pandemic, making reference to significant problems occurring within the organization. Surely during a pandemic their WHO’s wisdom would be needed. Now the US is no longer funding it will be interesting to see what happens. The Gates foundation donates it’s money to these pharmaceutical companies, now this money is used to make medications, notably vaccines. Interestingly Bill Gates is on the board of a number of the pharmaceutical companies his trust fund is donating to. They then produce a medication, or vaccine, trial it, sell it, profit from it. Lots of money there, pharmaceutical industries are billion / trillion dollar industries, in fact Gate’s own personal health is in this region of monetary wealth. Powerful, surely that has not gone to his head. There is an interesting documentary called the Pirates of Silicon Valley that may offer some suggestions here, but I will leave that to your perusal. So to summarise, Gates is basically donating money to companies that he is directly involved in and which he profits from. Seems to be somewhat of a vested interest and a tax dodge but hey these rich folk got way more rights than your average Joe. Let’s face it countries around the world have benefits that seem to help the wealthier of the land stay that way and keep us poor folk chained and in our place. Additionally WHO now receiving the largest contribution to its running from the Gates Foundation, again there is going to be some form of bias from this. Add to this many pharmaceutical companies fund many governmental representatives, in many different nations. And let us not forget the medical profession is mainly based on the use of medication. So there are a whole string of biased perspectives here. If you were writing some form of research critique and now were given a paper written by WHO could you use it, because it seems very likely that there is an overwhelming biased nature of where their money is coming from and what perspective they will lean to, to get their funds. Gates has been recorded stating that the world can not go back to normal until everyone has been medicated, no profit on his behalf there. He has also been reported as saying the world is over populated and needs to reduce it’s numbers. That in line with being sued by countries where his vaccination trials have gone horrible wrong. Some of the funnies objections I have seen by folks who do not wish to be medicated by Gates are that he bought Window 10 into the world, or he could not keep windows free of viruses, so why are they going to trust him with their body. And folks here are raising a valid point, his background is in information technology, he is not a trained health professional. You would ask your local tech guy down the road what medical treatment you need to get well? Folks would laugh at you and suggest you see a Doctor. These all seem to be valid points. Why are we listening to someone who has no qualifications in this area, who is going to gain a huge amount of profit from everyone else's suffering, who already is rich beyond measure.
Now I hear cries accusing me of being an antivaxxer, whatever. I am prochoice and informed consent. Most folk I have met who question vaccines have experienced vaccine injury either through themselves or someone they love or care for. The ethical perspective would be to tell people what the medication is they are taking, tell them what is in it, tell them what it is used for, tell them of the contraindications, tell them the adverse effects. Inform them. Then let them choose. If they want that medication then yeah take it, if not then don’t. Vaccines are medications like every other. All medication have adverse effects, by rights we all should be informed of the ingredients, use, contraindications and adverse effects of any medication then make a choice. However vaccines for whatever strange reason have been lumped together into a group of medications that apparently cause no harm to anyone. Anyone who questions this or their safety is deemed a nut job or conspiracist, this also includes the people who have had negative experiences and vaccine related injuries. It is a medication and causes adverse effects as does every other medication. However one thing that aids it’s protection is that it is a highly profitable medication, not only for the pharmaceutical company but for all those linked with them one way or another. Seems like there may be a wee hint of corruption. There is always the cry of herd immunity, great, go for it if you choose to use a vaccine and the greater good of the public. If that is so, then why are we also not doing other things for the greater good of the public, especially now when the public’s health is so badly threatened. Why have we not removed junk food and replaced it with healthy nutrient dense food, why have we not made alcohol illegal, why is smoking not illegal, why is environmental pollution not illegal. Some would say people have a right to take what they want, does this not also include medication. It seems the present solution is not to teach the people a better more wholesome healthy symbiotic way of living, instead let them make poor choices and others profit greatly from these. Then let other people profit even more by making people or scaring them into taking medications such as vaccines to stop them getting ill.
This is absolute madness. Seriously. Rather than teaching the world population how to eat correctly supporting their immune system works and health, if only from a preventative measure, we are going to let them continue and profit from everyone’s suffering.
Gearing back to COVID, or did we ever leave it. Yes people are unwell some seriously, yes people are dying, yes this is horrendous. But we are being led astray. We are not being told the truth, our conversations are being directed and there is an agenda at play.
Take time, breath, sit in your stillness and reflect up on the issues raised here. Then please go research, find the facts and find out for yourself. Do not let the media tell you what to think. There is an agenda here and it is more than keeping us safe from COVID 19. However, a word of caution regarding conspiracies, there are many and varied, some have been doing the rounds for years and these too can be a distraction. Many have origins in truth, some way more than others, some are highly accurate, some are just plain bat shit crazy. Do your research, do it well, discern the validity of the information you receive and don't flush yourself down the conspiracy toilet at the same time. Remember unless you bore witness, have sound information from a valid, reliable and trust worthy source, then it is all speculation. It may seem very plausible speculation but it is still that and some stuff folks we will never know, that's the truth of it.